Contradictions in NH Law: Claims of Deceased Settlor’s Creditors (Links to New Sample Notices)

In preparing our NH Deadlines Page, I was struck by the significant inconsistency between our probate statutes and Trust Code relative to the limitations periods for claims against a decedent and offer the following comments in anticipation that this conflict will be of concern to counsel and lead to litigation. Probate Scheme For Creditor Claims […]

Notice of Creditor Claim by Trustee Does Not Serve as Notice by Trust Beneficiary

In order to preserve the right to bring a creditor claim against a NH estate, a creditor must serve on the administrator a demand for payment within six months of the administrator’s appointment.  As I have previously discussed, the procedural requirements governing creditor claims are strict and even actual knowledge of the claim by the […]

Gray December 9, 2019 NH Federal Court Order

This order is offered as a sample for educational purposes only. References to law and rules may not be current or accurate.  Counsel must evaluate whether the order has utility in a given case.   (Note: Ralph Holmes is currently retired from McLane Middleton. For information on this or other probate litigation issues, please contact […]

Petition to Extend Creditor SOL

This pleading is offered as a sample for educational purposes only. References to law and rules may not be current or accurate.  Counsel must evaluate whether the pleading has utility in a given case.   (Note: Ralph Holmes is currently retired from McLane Middleton. For information on this or other probate litigation issues, please contact […]

Demand Exhibition Deadline Applies To Estate Creditor With Contingent Claim (Link to NH Trust Docket Order)

In Christo v. Silk, the NH Trust Docket confirmed that a potential creditor who might in the future have a claim against a probate estate must, like a creditor holding a fully actionable claim, exhibit a demand on the administrator within the first six months of administration under RSA 556:2-3.   Linda Christo was a principal beneficiary of the estate plan […]

Christo January 29, 2019 Trust Docket Order

This order is offered for educational purposes only. References to law and rules may not be current or accurate. Counsel must evaluate whether the order has utility in a given case.   (Note: Ralph Holmes is currently retired from McLane Middleton. For information on this or other probate litigation issues, please contact Alexandra Cote at […]

Creditor Claims (NH)

CREDITOR CLAIMS (NH LAW) Updated January 2016 Creditor’s Deadlines Within six months of the grant of administration, creditor must present a demand to the Administrator by registered mail setting forth “the nature and amount of the claim and a demand for payment.”  RSA 556:2. Suit cannot be filed within six months and must be filed […]

A Cautionary Tale About Statutes of Limitations

A case recently heard by the Norfolk County, Massachusetts Superior Court serves as a reminder of the importance of paying attention to statutes of limitation and requirements for service of process, especially in cases involving estates. Under Massachusetts law, a personal representative does not need to acknowledge any claim by a creditor of the decedent […]

The Morass of Bourassa: A Way Out

The NH Supreme Court’s decision in Estate of Bourassa (2009) is quite the muddle.  I can’t reconcile it with governing law.  Here’s my recommendation as to how it should be construed to fix the discrepancies at: Bar News Article.  (sorry, have to hit the Continue Reading button for hotlink to work). (Note: Ralph Holmes is currently retired from McLane Middleton. For information […]